Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Election day

Hello imaginary reader!
Today I´m going to talk about the next presidential election. I´m going to vote in November, but I don´t know who, although I know who not. It´s complicated vote when the candidates not represent our political think, nevertheless I could vote invalid and demonstrate my position, this option also is demonstrated when the people not vote -because the democracy is not just the vote action- the number of people that not vote also indicate something.

I think about the electoral campaigns that aren´t effective in catch voter, because the people see other things, like a political group or political career and watch in T.V. the last appearance or who is more likeable or who smile more. I think the TV campaigns are funny because always repeat same things, a landscape, a jingle, and the politician talk about of wonderful government that they will make. The street campaign with newspapers, posters, etc, only contaminate the street and people annoy this, because the people throw out, I see this everyday in the entrance of subway.  

In this opportunity I think the new presidential candidates are a breakdown in the traditional politics, because suggest new things and show varied oneself, although I not agreement in all. I think they represent more political sectors in the society, and this is good, and it´s good for the democracy.



  1. Plan Z is the true!. The electoral campaigns are always the same thing. I think worse for the candidates.

  2. Hello! (: I'm agree with what you wrote. The big number of people who don't vote, like you said, indicates something. Maybe it's discomfort with politicians, but also it's because they're not worried. Well, TV campaigns are always the same xdd It's like "vote for him because he's nice" and nothing more. Regards! (:

  3. It was a super fun video!!! Candidates campaigns are all the same. I agree with your points, especially with the annoying pamphlets and the pollution that they produce. Ah, and I say it again, the video was very, very fun! It shows the truth behind the electoral campaigns. Take care. Bye!

  4. Hi!! I'm agree about everything that you wrote, specially about the banners that contaminate the streets. About the video, I like it! Plan Z is fun and say the truth with sarcasm. Also, I think the TV campaigns is repetitive and I hate jingles, they are stupid. Well, bye.
