Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How green are you?

Hello again.

In general I think this topic is every day more important, in the last years people have more consciousness about pollution in all forms but still it is insufficient. 

I learn about the environmentally friendly practices in the school but only a little, I learn more on internet campaigns or T.V.and also learn through my parents.

I don´t have a eco-organization, because I don´t have time but in my house we recycle organic waste and then we use compost in our garden, my mother use this to plant different kind of vegetables such as lettuce, chili, chard, onion and tomatoes in summer.

I would like to use bike to transport myself but my house is far from everywhere :(. I try once and in half way to university I was exhausted, then I use public transport such as subway and bus and try to walk when the distance is short and when I have time, but I´d really like to use bike.

Personally I think the education about environmental topic in the population is important but this also requires a change in the power groups, and it´s difficult because money is always more important, and our economical system isn´t environmentally friendly, for the exploitation of natural resources, the industry and in general for the treatment to the nature, like an instrument for the people and not a resource that must be protected and used responsibly.
I try to make things in my possibilities such as turn off the lights when this is not necessary , reuse plastic bottles, use cloth bags or backpack instead plastic bags in the supermarket, etc.

I think that the population in Santiago must learn and incorporate environmentally friendly practices such as sharing the car, but it´s also important to incorporate public politics about this and incorporate more recycle points in the city, in all the city, supervise industry work and the pollution produced there.



  1. Hello :B I agree with what you say, although I didn't recycle /: I can't use my bike because I live very far from the university too.

  2. Yeah, to be conscious about pollution is not enough. Education about how to protecto our enviroment is useful, but the people has to change by themselves. That's all. Bye!
