Tuesday, December 3, 2013

English Language Challenges

I think that this subject is really important at the university, because the students could be travel for scholarship or postgraduate studies and knowledge about English language it´s necessary, also is important now, for reading paper about investigation in scientific magazines, the most important are in English, but I must say a negative thing, really is a critical thing, I think the subject could be better integrate vocabulary in relation our career, read more and focus in more technical tool like a complement for the general study. 
I like the exercise in the blog, because I can improve different abilities, for example, increase the vocabulary, improve grammatical abilities, etc. I Think the use the blog is a good activity and better part of the subject in relation to the utility in all set of class. 

I think I need improve grammatical area, is difficult for me think in English and not translate. Also I need improve my pronunciation. I plan do this with practice, I need learn English because my studies require this, I must read in English constantly and this is good because then I study and also practice. 

It´s totally necessary for me outside of English class, in study, for read scientific paper and in conferences with foreign guests. Also I use English with I meet someone in summer 
and not talk Spanish, something happen, or when someone traveller friend come with your friends and make meetings. This summer my sister travel with her boyfriend and he is a Englishman, so I think and I want practice and learn a lot.           

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Have you had a good year?

Constantly happened good thinks in the life and bad things too, but sometimes this are forgotten for many reasons. I have bad memory, this is one reason, and other is because the good details are forgotten or seems daily things. But one good thing in my life is something that have two faces. 

The first, and bad thing, is that I decided change the career, this was a difficult decision and then I don´t know what I do. Then I used the time for study, work, and think about my future, and finally I take a decision, meet people and know other realities in the work, although first I don´t want make this, finally learn and make friends. In addition I decided study the career that study now, and this was a very good thing. 

Now, in 2013, I think that I have little achievements, in relation to studies and in other parts of my life too, I think the little achievements are importants, and also important is feeling good about the things that we do. I think that I have many thing that I did not do, but my memory fail today or when I try think about this I don´t know and I remember in other occasions like in the subway or in the shower, but for this year I still have things such as the English final test and the final test in other subjects.

Other important things are in the near future, and I hope this results, are travel for studies and work, actually I work like voluntary in a project and I hope follow this, and this allow new opportunities. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Really money is not important for me, that is, money isn´t all but unfortunately nowadays it is necessary. I think it´s necessary because everything has a price, such as, education, health, food, water, etc. I would like this was less important and the people made things to help others or voluntarily.

I often spend money in things that I need, I hate to go shopping, I get bored fast, I only go when I really need something or when I discover some by chance. I think that spending money in social life, with my friends in food and beverages, also I spend in traveling, I often visit Valparaíso because I have friends there and I like the city, although all this with a student budget. I am lucky, because I just spend money in myself I try to save to take advantage about this.   

I think I am good at managing because I always have some money in my petty cash, I try not spend when I am in bankrupt until I earn something from work in the university or other.

If I was a millionaire I don´t know! Really I don´t like this, but probably I would search advice and I travel and I could work in my area  unworried for the salary, and of course I could help people and others cliches for millionaires.

And finally if I had to pawn any of my belonging, I would pawn my television because I don´t watch t.v. and it´s unnecessary, also It could be some furniture, really I don´t have a lot of things to pawn but, if it was necessary it would be these things.   

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How green are you?

Hello again.

In general I think this topic is every day more important, in the last years people have more consciousness about pollution in all forms but still it is insufficient. 

I learn about the environmentally friendly practices in the school but only a little, I learn more on internet campaigns or T.V.and also learn through my parents.

I don´t have a eco-organization, because I don´t have time but in my house we recycle organic waste and then we use compost in our garden, my mother use this to plant different kind of vegetables such as lettuce, chili, chard, onion and tomatoes in summer.

I would like to use bike to transport myself but my house is far from everywhere :(. I try once and in half way to university I was exhausted, then I use public transport such as subway and bus and try to walk when the distance is short and when I have time, but I´d really like to use bike.

Personally I think the education about environmental topic in the population is important but this also requires a change in the power groups, and it´s difficult because money is always more important, and our economical system isn´t environmentally friendly, for the exploitation of natural resources, the industry and in general for the treatment to the nature, like an instrument for the people and not a resource that must be protected and used responsibly.
I try to make things in my possibilities such as turn off the lights when this is not necessary , reuse plastic bottles, use cloth bags or backpack instead plastic bags in the supermarket, etc.

I think that the population in Santiago must learn and incorporate environmentally friendly practices such as sharing the car, but it´s also important to incorporate public politics about this and incorporate more recycle points in the city, in all the city, supervise industry work and the pollution produced there.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Election day

Hello imaginary reader!
Today I´m going to talk about the next presidential election. I´m going to vote in November, but I don´t know who, although I know who not. It´s complicated vote when the candidates not represent our political think, nevertheless I could vote invalid and demonstrate my position, this option also is demonstrated when the people not vote -because the democracy is not just the vote action- the number of people that not vote also indicate something.

I think about the electoral campaigns that aren´t effective in catch voter, because the people see other things, like a political group or political career and watch in T.V. the last appearance or who is more likeable or who smile more. I think the TV campaigns are funny because always repeat same things, a landscape, a jingle, and the politician talk about of wonderful government that they will make. The street campaign with newspapers, posters, etc, only contaminate the street and people annoy this, because the people throw out, I see this everyday in the entrance of subway.  

In this opportunity I think the new presidential candidates are a breakdown in the traditional politics, because suggest new things and show varied oneself, although I not agreement in all. I think they represent more political sectors in the society, and this is good, and it´s good for the democracy.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Article from the guardian: "Study links low birthweight to air pollution and traffic"

Hello, today I´m talking about an article in the guardian. In this new, the main topic it´s the relation between the air pollution and the risk in the pregnancy, specifically in low birthweigh and smaller head circumference in the new born.

The study that suggests this, was realized in Europe for UK researches, was in 12 countries in Europe, and was published in "The lancet respiratory medicine". According to the evidence, the research says that this relation is strong, even in places with the pollution is less, its possible observe this, although they not totally secure about this is for air pollution (probably there more factors), whatever they maintain the proposed.

This study its important because both indicator used, low birthweigh and smaller head circumference, have a impact in posterior conditions in the development of individuals, such as a neurodevelopments, and a poor healthy conditions. This have a social dimension too, because the poor people often live at the pollution places and have a poorer diet, then arise a pattern, that in my opinion it´s related with the material conditions of population, and not only occur when analyzed the air polluted.

So, I asked me, its possible a study about this in Santiago or other pollution city in Chile? The results could be very interesting for public healthy, and other indicator about the social inequality that its possible see in the health population too.  

This is the original article ;) http://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/oct/15/study-air-pollution-traffic-low-birthweight

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My favorite band or singer

This is not my favorite band because I don´t have one favorite band, but I must write for this topic then I choose this band.
I´m going to talk about Talking Heads, this band is formed in USA during 70´s, although the principal singer is Scottish. In addition to three musician, a guitarist and keyboard, a drummer and a bass. The kind of music that they play is categorized as new wave but including influences of punk, rock, funk, they were very famous in the 80´s in Europe and USA and still are a influence in British music.
I like this band because they have different elements of music, use computers and classic instruments, or combine, they really sound good for me, and the performance in video are funny and creative, my favorite song is "Psycho Killer" because it is the first I heard, and it was in my mind for many days, it is enthusiastic, funny and ironic "I hate people when they're not polite" it´s part of the letter, and this also is my feeling. I listen to this band when I´m happy or when I celebrate something, or always like now :P


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A day to remember

Really I don´t have a particular remarkable day, but I remember one, because it was a terrible day. I remember a day in the last year, this happened in the end of semester.

This year was the first in the mention of physical anthropology and the terms of career changed in comparison with the two previous years. In the end of that year I had subjects such as anatomy, chemistry, genetic, and others, and I was really tired in that moment.

In the last weeks I had many test and presentations and in a particular day I had three test in the same hour in different places. This happened because I had a discordant with the professor, and he forgot to say that the test was in the social science faculty and not in health faculty.

I was angry and my classmates too, finally everything was solved, the hours changed, then a complex conversation with the professors involved, and the forgetful professor laughed and decided to take the test on another day. This resolved the problem but we lost important time and the mood was horrible among my classmates. Well, this makes yourself an adult like my grandmother says.

I hope this doesn´t  happen again, and everyone programs our time better.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A country I would like to visit

I like visit to Spain, but not all the country, specifically Barcelona. I like this city because is a cosmopolitan city, then, different cultures live together and interact and have many pubs to drink a beer. Spite of this city has a particular culture, very strong in the citizens with a language, food, beverages and typical festivities, like a Correfoc, a party with fireworks and the people dress as devils, too take drums and gralla a Catalan instrument, all this is in September, in the "Festival of la Mercé". I also like it because it has a university with programs of postgraduate studies in bioanthropology.

I like studying in this city and in the future living there, because the weather is temperate (Mediterranean weather), has a varied culture and this is different for me, there are many different people, is near other countries to travel and know places, and the night life is considerable. 

I imagine a comfortably life there, maybe not for work always, because the work is complicated for the crisis and the problems with a immigrants, like me in this case :P, but for study and travel it is good.